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Prada for God? 5 Things Every Woman Should Wear at Mass

You’ve glanced at the Sunday readings. You shuttled all your children and a husband to the minivan. You even remembered to brush your teeth. You made it to Mass before the first reading, so does it *really* matter what you wore?

Yes, yes it does. Below, I share why it matters, how it can make a difference in your prayer life and what every woman should wear to Mass.

It Matters

I’m no Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge. Shoot, I can only hope to have that much style. But, I do believe that God is worth a shower, some lipstick and perhaps a bracelet or two when you head to the weekend Mass. Here in Texas, because we enjoy a perpetual summer with just a hint of winter, many enjoy “relaxed” dress. Spaghetti straps, flip flops and maybe even a soccer uniform are all things you can usually spot if you scan the pews.

I don’t want to get all Canon Law on you, but it matters what you wear. Don’t worry, I’m not advocating cocktail dress, ties and 4″ heels (unless they’re really your thing). But, let’s give God His due attention. What I wear to the soccer field should not be what I wear to Mass on Sunday – or the Saturday Vigil, for that matter. I suppose it comes from my Protestant upbringing but jeans were never allowed at church. Ever. I still remember visiting my then-boyfriend, now husband’s church one weekend when I spotted someone wearing jeans. It’s possible I gasped. However, just three weeks ago, I sported some myself to Mass. It wasn’t intentional, but our Saturday went from well-planned to a crazy ER visit and no time to change. I went with the adage, “at least we were there.”

It Makes a Difference

Lisa from Joie de Vivre, via the “What I Wore Sunday” linkup

About a month ago, some fine ladies I follow on Twitter started a link up called “What I Wore Sunday” on their blog, Fine Linen and Purple. Its goal is to inspire women to dress beautifully, and modestly, for Mass. I’ve found some great inspiration, tips and ideas for making my Mass a more spiritual experience. Ever since I started the link up, I’ve found myself consciously thinking about preparing myself for Mass, not just physically, but spiritually. There’s been a bit more time to pray when we arrive, I’ve even scanned the Magnificat App on my iPhone for the readings. I can’t recall the last time I did that. When you prepare the body, you also prepare the mind. I try to lay out my clothes the night before, or at the very least, think about what my choices may be. You know, in case Febreze and a dryer can help a mom out!

5 Things To Wear

Know that when you kneel during the consecration what you wear and how your prepare your outer appearance is a bit of how you’ve prepared your heart to receive the Eucharist.

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